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How to help and finance companies' environmental change?  |  South West - New Aquitaine

How to help and finance companies’ environmental change? | South West – New Aquitaine

Necessary environmental change of economic activities

Although the IPCC, in its recently released preliminary draft, is particularly wary of the effects of climate change, climate change is increasingly becoming an absolute necessity.

Most companies are already down this path, but the urgency and hurdles to do so must be mobilized in an unprecedented way.

For many years, ADEME, the state operator for climate change, has supported economic players and organizations to mitigate the environmental impact, decorponize their processes, or streamline the policies of the round economy and improve operations.

With the launch of the France Reliance Program launched in September 2020, unprecedented financial resources have been released to strengthen and accelerate the environmental transformation of economic activity, while at the same time improving their competitiveness and supporting local employment.

Tools for identifying available assistance and funding

Interested in assisting economic actors to identify assistance and funding
Available, ADEME offers them 2 simple and easily accessible tools:

  • Presents more than 40 unprecedented assistance and support systems: environmental design, industrial decarbonization, energy saving, waste detection, green loans and anaerobic digestion loans, hydrogen, sustainable tourism, training, networks, development international, etc.
  • A service site Real-time centering calls for all projects and calls for expressing interest
    Opportunity to download profiles and submit their application files online.

Finally, all project leaders can contact the ADEME Nouvelle-Aquitaine team. New reinforcements have been placed in all our regions to identify and support action.

Collection of aid and support organizations for organizations

Download “Collection of Business Support and Support Systems”
Access the service site “Act for change”
Contact the ADEME Nouvelle-Aquitaine Group

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