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How to delete old tweets en masse?

How to delete old tweets en masse?

Not sure about the tweets you have posted in recent years? Or more precisely, of course you remember only a few letters that transcend your mind very well. Recovering your Twitter account can be a lengthy process unless you follow these steps to delete all of your old tweets altogether.

Twitter is a great place to talk and sometimes it can happen, take off with speed and then we can tweet things we regret or feel uncomfortable. There are as many tweets as you want to delete your tweets altogether. However, you have already noticed that Twitter does not make our life easier, it takes a lot of time to increase your Twitter feed, and delete every single one of the tweets you want to delete. Here’s how to make this process easier and faster.

How to delete old tweets en masse?

If you have hundreds of tweets, deleting some of them manually is not that complicated. When you have thousands, you need to look for specific applications. There are many, but before we talk about them, let’s take some precautionary measures.


Before embarking on a major cleanup task, request an archive from Twitter at: The request may take 24 hours or more, so be patient.

Once your archive is ready, all you have to do is download it. So, you have your Twitter history on your computer before the big deletion.

How To Total Delete Old Tweets: Tools

Twitter seems to be doing everything it can to make it harder to consult and remove old tweets. Manually deleting some old tweets can already take a long time, so it can take months to delete hundreds or thousands of them. To do this process effectively, you need to look at the applications dedicated to this task. There are dozens of them, but here we will use TweetDelete, which is completely free.

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How to delete old tweets en masse?

  • Meeting
  • Connect the app to your Twitter account by clicking Sign up with Twitter.
  • After approving the application, you can start cleaning.
  • TweetDelete is a very basic tool that allows you to delete tweets in blocks by several criteria:
    • Time: One or two weeks old, one, two, three or six months old tweets or everything in the last year can be deleted.
    • By keywords: Delete all tweets that contain words you like.

How to delete old tweets en masse?

This tool will already make you more efficient, but it will not allow too much rawness and sophistication.

If you are looking for more precision, you should look at the payment tools TweetDeleter. The process for linking the app and your Twitter account is the same as before.

How to delete old tweets en masse?

TweetDeleter is very powerful, allows for highly refined searches and provides tools to detect the insults you have accidentally tweeted. It also provides archiving of your deleted tweets. The free offer allows you to delete 5 tweets a day, while offering an unlimited number of features for 99 5.99 per month.

Remember that you can not destroyThat3200 tweets at a time, the limit imposed by Twitter. All you have to do now is tackle the task.

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