Following the announcement in January of the implementation of new terms on WhatsApp, Facebook-owned messaging users have largely fled for alternative solutions. Among them, Signal, by default, provides free and secure messaging with end-to-end encryption, as well as many functions similar to those on WhatsApp. In a recent update, the app introduced the ability to customize the background displayed in conversations. Discover how to add some color to your chats by customizing your wallpaper.
Download Signal for Android (apk) (Free)
Download Signal for iPhone (Free)
1. Enter the dialog’s options
To customize the background of the conversation, enter the dialog and press the name of the reporter or group. In the dialog options that appear, press Conversations Wallpaper.
2. Customize the wallpaper
In the Wallpaper Customization window, tap Set the wallpaper. You can choose to choose one of the solid colors defined by the signal, or Choose from photos Of your device.
If you choose a photo, you can Blur the photo. Once you have made your selection, press To define Use the new wallpaper for the conversation.
You need to repeat the manipulation to customize each of your conversations individually on the signal.
3. Customize the wallpaper for all conversations
Although you can customize the wallpaper for each conversation individually, the signal allows you to configure a specific background that will be used for all your conversations.
To do this, from the main page, press your avatar to access the application settings and enter the Appearance menu. Then press Conversations Wallpaper, Then Set the wallpaper Select solid color or Choose from photos From your smartphone.
It is also from the menu Conversations Wallpaper You can Reset all wallpapers You have configured the application.
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