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How does it work on Nintendo Switch?  Millennium Pokemon

How does it work on Nintendo Switch? Millennium Pokemon

Finally, well after 8 seasons of the game, Admirers came Apex Legends Further Nintendo Switch, The Royal of War of Respon Ed E.A. Sports Who invented the genre many years ago. The transfer on the hybrid console is entrusted to the senior of the ports Panic button, But can the studio bring the charm and energy of this game to this site despite the technical and graphic limitations?

Before we understand how Apex Legends fits into the Nintendo Switch, let’s try to explain this game to strangers Free to play What can he find in such a war royal. For Apex Legends players: You can skip straight to the next episode.

What are Apex Legends?

Two years ago now, in full swing Fortnight FeverDevelopment Studio Respon, the development studio that proved itself with Titanfall and Titanfall 2 at the time, entered the Royal Battlefield with an innovative solution: Apex Legends, play for free Teams of three players For each character – mercenary or criminal – there are details Special skills that affect the game.

Players face off on a big map, which changes from time to time as the game progresses Seasons As Fortnight School teaches – and where a Energy dome As time goes on the playground shrinks more and more – as taught scuola PlayerUnknown Battlefields (To friends PUBG).

The uniqueness of Apex Legends is precisely the variety of characters: like online games League of Legends, Each incarnation offers different game opportunities, specializing in players in support, defense, range or lead attack. Also, having a team with a maximum of 3 players, The combination of these 3 characters can make a huge difference in game strategies.

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Mirage, As its name implies, it can be hidden for a period of time, Gibraltar He is protected by a shield as he looks on, Lifeline With the new gear the support pieces can be summoned, Pathfinder Players can install fast-moving ropes from point A to point B, and we can continue to know how long these two years will last. Tons of characters are included in the list In Apex Legends.

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Full then one is supported Fluid, fun and fast first person game, Obviously the skill, experience and purpose of the players will make the biggest difference. Another reason why Apex Legends is so unique Revive your team members: This means a player’s game never ends in his isolated death.

Porting to a Nintendo Switch

We are now approaching the arrival of Apex Legends on the Nintendo Switch: How does this port work? Landing on a hybrid console on March 9, War Royal’s technology department seems to be working. Good, but not very good. Until it appears Label This difference is really important because in competitive games like Apex Legends it can make all the difference in the world if you are the demanding player.

Nintendo Switch hardware does not support the technology of such a game, so the panic button is expected to be dropped Property quality Sports and framerate This is from the original 60fps 30fps is a 720p In chopped mode e 576 p In portable and tablet mode.

Apex Legends Su Switch: una partita

You remember, This is already a miracle, running on Apex Legends Nintendo Switch, For this reason we should only lend to the panic button. ButLow performanceUnfortunately, this has a lot of influence for those looking for competitive experience: there are some of the biggest issues Frame drop In rebellious situations and some characters are indistinguishable in the distance.

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If you are looking for oneNormal gaming experience Or a game with total relaxation, then Apex Legends Port has a completely different perspective: Battle Royale’s game is ultimately unchanged from other platforms, and the general feeling Another nice triple game on the Nintendo Switch.

A compromise

Apex Legends is on the Nintendo Switch. This sentence alone should surprise you, because finding such a title on a portable console without the best hardware is a must. A miracle Of technology.

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It goes without saying how much boarding was involved Technical glitches Apex Legends needs to work on a hybrid platform, which means that if you try to play competitively, you may find that the technology sector is limited to your needs. On the other hand, if you approach the game in Switch as a casual experience, you need to engage in sober moments, Finding such a game in your pocket has a completely different taste. If you have one Gamepad Pro, Its use is more than recommended compared to Joy-Khan.

Choose to implement Cross play with other sites However, not being able to share purchases and improvements in statistics. Although using mine Origin of Account D It has my elements in it Cosmetics, Mine Skin Mine Characters opened I couldn’t use it because I wanted to. Of course, it does Automatic opening of seasonal improvement levels This helps as we are in the middle of the 8th season, but for those who started their testing at Apex Legends before Nintendo came to the switch this choice is a bit of a setback.

We remind you that the game is free to play and you can download it Free As long as there is enough space on your console. We mention you for this reason Our article SD cards This is useful for Apex Legends and other games that want to take digital.

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Apex is also very good at being on the switch
Always liquid game even on hybrid consoles
Cross play

Cross play but no profile sharing on other sites ??
Performance issues are serious only for competitive games