The Cabinet approved the Govt Ordinance. The move extends the travel ban between the regions until March 27 and restricts travel to private homes to two adults and children under 14 only.
There are exceptions to travel between regions. You may go beyond regional boundaries (with self-certification) for proven work requirements, or for required circumstances or health reasons. Returning to one’s residence, home or home is always allowed. This, of course, also applies to school staff who work off-site. This also applies to students who study away from home They may return to their place of residence or residence.
In addition to the text of the order, The Explanatory statement Mention some important points. The colors of the danger bar are clearly defined in:
- The “white zone”, the areas referred to in paragraph 16-sexes, have weekly epidemics of 100,000 citizens per week for less than 50 weeks in a row, and they are placed on the Type 1 scene, low risk level;
- “Orange Zone”, regions, mentioned in paragraph 16Quarter e 16-quinquies, In whose territories more than 50 cases per week per 100,000 people are infected and they are placed on the Type 2 scenario, with the least moderate risk, as well as infections in the presence of the same weekly events, which are placed with the highest risk in a Type 1 scenario;
- “Red Zone”, the areas referred to in paragraphs 16Quarter, In whose territories more than 50 cases per week per 100,000 people are infected and they are placed on the Type 3 scene, at least moderate risk level;
- The “yellow zone”, the remaining regions and its territories have parameters that are different from the letters indicated above for the white, orange and red zones.
Further, Paragraph 1 Organizing the sequel, Until March 27, 2021, Throughout the national territory, the ban (already in force and currently in effect until 25 February 2021, and finally, enacted in n.12 of the 2021 Ordinance) moves within and outside the territories of different regions o proven work requirements or trips motivated by necessary circumstances or health reasons Besides, autonomous provinces. The report explains that one is allowed to return to one’s residence, residence or home anyway. However, there are further steps to be taken under Section 2 of Order-Act No.2. To improve and counteract the 19 epidemiological emergencies of 2020.
The Comma2, The same date is until 27 March 2021, Limitations of the movement towards private homes inhabited: In particular, for one of these private homes, once a day, between 05:00 and 22:00, and within the range of two persons, in addition to those already living there, in addition to minors under the age of 14, such persons are responsible for the parents and those with disabilities or those who are not self-sufficient together Live. This rule is in line with the region in which it is to be applied. “Yellow areasIn addition The so-called municipalityOrange areas“. This rule does not apply Red areas.
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