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Google Drive, One Drive ... Which Online Storage Service to Choose ...

Google Drive, One Drive … Which Online Storage Service to Choose …

“Can I re-read my cover letter?”; “I’ll send you my recipe ideas for Christmas, add yours”; “Grandma, can you edit my French article?“. How to share documents with your loved ones Need to interfere with many of these files without mixing versions? There is a simple and free solution: Save these documents to the cloud Thanks to online storage services you can access it anywhere Such as Microsoft OneDrive Where Google Drive.
You can access your text files, photos or videos Securely share them with anyone from any device connected to the Internet Sends them A simple link by email.
Once you have shared the document with whomever you want, they can edit it at the same time as if you were both behind the same computer. In practice, even if your granddaughter lives 500 km away from you, she will see you correcting the mistakes in her article in real time. Another benefit: If you log in at the same time you will see others writing in front of your eyes! The most practical management for teleworkers is to restart the course of the file they left behind. It can be useful for exchanging guest lists for birthdays, managing documents, or managing a table within the club or exchanging photos.

How to use Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive

You can access Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive software from your browser. The main difference between these two services comes from their ecosystem: Google or Windows. Another easy way to use this is: Free apps on smartphone Or tablet by creating account.
Both of these services allow you to share documents within a minute: all you have to do is send an email with an Internet connection and, if necessary, a password. They also allow you to play files offline without the need for an Internet network. Your offline work will be stored on your device and the file will be updated in the cloud when you get back online. Finally, in both cases, be aware that your content is there Protected and confidential, They are protected by Microsoft and Google.

Google Drive: An easy service to manage your documents with others

This is Google’s online storage service. Gmail addresses are easy to understand and use. Google Drive is compatible with Microsoft Office documents (text document in Word, Excel table, etc.). The built-in search engine lets you find your documents and track the history of changes. Google Drive offers the advantage of starting for free with 15GB of space Opening a Google Account. Are beyond 15 GB Google One Pay Offer (200GB / 2.99 per month.)

Download Google Drive Android

Download Google Drive iOS

Microsoft OnDrive: The most suitable service for Windows and Office

OneDrive is a service developed by Microsoft So it works well with Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Outlook. If you have an Outlook email address, you can access it with your email. This service is great for backing up, viewing and storing office documents without even realizing that you are in the cloud.

You can opt for the free 5GB of online storage or subscribe to the Microsoft 365 offer (69 ஆண்டு per year) for 1 TB of storage (about 500,000 photos and files!) And use the software from the Office suite. There will be enough for you to save. Subscribe to the Microsoft OneDrive offer

Download from Microsoft OneDrive Android

Download from Microsoft OneDrive iOS

Other solutions for storing your documents in the cloud:

  • Dropbox Basic is free and offers you 2 GB of space.
  • Apple iCloud: 5 GB free, 200 GB / € 2.99 per month
  • Digiposte, Post Office Cloud: Free 5go, service based and data provided in France
  • Amazon Cloud Drive 5GO is unlimited for Prime subscribers
  • Cozy Cloud 5 GB is free, hosted on OVH in France
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Good to know Most internet and phone operators like Orange or Free offer free cloud storage space included in your subscription. Remember to go and see!