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Gmail, LinkedIn, Netflix … 3 billion leaked passwords, are you worried?

Its name is COMB A set of multiple violations (Set of several defects). This massive personal data leak discovered by our colleagues at Cyber ​​News has been one of the most significant in recent years.

COMB brings together the personal data of 3.2 billion users Among the most popular services in the world. In fact, this database compiles information gathered during various attacks carried out against the giants of the web. Recently, with a significant increase in distance work, these activities have increased.

So, Emails and related passwords Are listed in this package. Gmail, LinkedIn, Netflix or Hotmail, the world’s largest sites are affected. So much for the bad news.

How and what to do to check if you are affected by COMB?

The good news is that CyberNews provides a tool to verify your email addresses COMB is part of the list. For that, Go to this page. Then enter your email address and the search engine will tell you if you are one of the victims of this massive leak.

If you are not affected, good for you. Otherwise, The search engine does not accurately indicate which service the aircraft came from Data. On the other hand, the site gives you the procedure to follow to secure your account again. The approach is divided into three stages:

  1. Change the password of the affected email address
  2. Choose a strong password wisely or use a complex password generator
  3. Configure two-factor authentication if possible

We will add it Change the password regularly Helps prevent personal data being stolen. If possible, choose passwords rather than passwords. Insert numbers and special characters.

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Finally, Do not use the same password for more than one account. If you are afraid to forget, you can use Password manager like Nordpass, Lostpass, 1 password or even dashline.

For the most critical accounts, a FIDO body protection key is highly recommended.