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firmware 12.0.3 causes download problems

firmware 12.0.3 causes download problems

History of firmware 12.0.3 di Switch Proves to be very inconvenient. Launched on June 8, it was recalled by Nintendo within hours of its release, due to a bug in some newer microSDX cards, which caused serious issues with Nintendo’s Eshop and downloading content and updates.

Claiming to have fixed the issue, Big N has made it available again, but it’s not over yet … What to read on the net (Reddit has a title with hundreds of comments with 1,400 support), The latest Nintendo Switch firmware continues to cause serious problems For gamers, many of them change Unable to download content from eShop Due to the originError 2123-1502.

On the official support site Nintendo offers some solutions, Restarting the console, clearing the cache, starting testing on your connection, creating a new Internet connection, changing the DNS (for example, of Google), connecting from another access point and most of all: try to get started and download until it starts. Solutions for that For most players they do not become decisive, Which is now waiting for the firm intervention of the Kyoto House.

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