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Mauro Carturan

FDI DOWNLOAD CARTURAN IN TANK. Sidako broke up with Sampuchi

Another shock at the majority of Cartoran in Cisterna is the death of Mayor Frettelli de Italia following the torpedo of Deputy Mayor Vittorio Sampucci

Corduran was dropped off yesterday afternoon Vittorio Sampucci On a live Facebook page on his page yesterday (see below), he defines his political action as incompatible with management. “Trosalito – The mayor said – After seeing a presentation of the New Brothers Italy logo in Cisterna“. There was a hint of a new entry into Meloni’s party Giacomo Giovangrosi, Former candidate in the last administrative elections with UTC.

“Fredelli de Italia takes note of the mayor’s choice Tank of Expel the Italian brothers from the administration. The abolition of Vittorio Samboussi as deputy mayor does not apply to the continuation of the majority experience of party councilors and councilors, The experience is over. “. Thus in the note issued by the higher degrees of FDI in the province.

We note that it is not possible to go with Mayor Moro Corduran in Cisterna – FTI announces Lazio Regional Coordinator Paulo TrangaciniFor months the administration has been paralyzed, certainly not because of the Italian brothers, but because of the attitude of the first citizen, who was extremely quarrelsome and intolerant of his own deputy mayor and party. Responsibly and for the good of the city, Fredelli de Italia chooses to put an end to this administration and hopes that Carturon will return to the ground without trying to unite the majority that emerged from the polls that did not conform to the will of the electorate. The city needs a strong and authoritative guide, but not the instability we see in recent months”.

Deputy Mayor of Cisterna Vittorio Sampucci

We are very disappointed in the form and meaning of Moro Cartoran’s approach – FTI notifies the Provincial Coordinator of Latin Nicola Calantrini We gave our full support to the mayor of Sisterna in the municipal and provincial elections. For his part, however, we have seen internal interference several times in the party and the council, trying to change the majority. All the attitudes caused by the mayor fell on our municipal spokesman Vittorio Sampucci, to whom he gave and removed the proxies in the shortest possible time. In the hope that we would find a renewed agreement to carry out the election program, we were patient and gave the mayor the necessary time to withdraw his actions. But now the action is over. If Carturan does not recognize the elected majority and the Italian brethren who supported him, we will accept it, but he will resign and return the floor to the electorate who have the right to elect a new majority.”.

Note that administrative experience selected by Cisterna citizens must now be considered – Added MEP Nicola ProcasiniI can’t imagine how effective it would be for an administration to be shaken daily by the incomprehensible choices of the people who lead it. Maximum solidarity with Vittorio Sampucci, the political community of Cisterna’s Fratelli de Italia, and the whole city. We all believed that Moro Cartoran’s experience could serve the city, but unfortunately Cartoran ‘s own past traditions did not give him a future using his government.“.

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