World Photography Day is celebrated around the world on August 19 every year. This day encourages alumni and photographers from all over the world to share a photo with the simple purpose of sharing their world with the world. Even at other times of the year, in parallel to this wonderful day, there is a choice that allows you to connect parts of the world and get to know them.
Raise awareness and share ideas
This day is dedicated to the history of arts, crafts, science and photography. Also, on this day the pioneers who inspired others to acquire this ability are remembered for their contributions. The purpose of World Photography Day is to raise awareness, share ideas and motivate people in the field of photography.
Imagine what it would be like to live in a world without photos. There is no real way to explore different parts of the world without going to different parts of the world or having the opportunity to share your life with friends and family.
One that unites us
Today, photography has become an integral part of our lives, it has become one that unites all of us, significantly, giving us the opportunity to get to know each other, appreciate each other, and fulfill ourselves. In this sense, people around the world celebrate World Photography Day on August 19th. It demonstrates our social interest in photography by amateur and professional photographers.
World Photography Day reminds us of the value of photography and, as already mentioned, should encourage everyone to join.
History of World Photography Day
World Photography Day was chosen in 1837 by Joseph Nicobar Nips and Louis Tagore to pay homage to the development of this photographic process. On the same date in 1839, the French government purchased a patent and declared the invention “free to the world” as a gift.
World Photography Day has become one of the most relevant photo festivals in the world. It started as a way to encourage people to capture the moments they experience every day, share them with the world and get inspiration from other photographers.
History of photography
Photography has a long history of relatively short history. In almost 200 years, cameras have evolved from simple boxes that take blurry pictures to the high-tech minicomputers found in today’s digital SLRs and smartphones. The history of photography is fascinating and can be explained in great detail.
The invention of two important principles
The history of photography begins with the discovery of two important principles: projecting images from the camera obscura and observing how certain objects become apparent when exposed to light. There are no monuments or descriptions of people trying to take pictures with photosynthetic materials before the 18th century.
Capture camera images
In 1717, Johann Heinrich Schulz seized the cut letters in a bottle of photosensitive mud, but did not think the result would last. In 1800, Thomas Woodwood produced the first reliable document, but attempts to capture camera images in continuous form failed. Although his experiments produced detailed still images, Wedgewood and his partner Humphrey Davy could not find a way to fix these images.
In the mid-1820s, Nick Nieber was initially able to edit images taken with a camera, but it took at least eight hours and even days of camera exposure, and the initial results were very convincing. At the same time, Louis Daguerre, Niepce’s partner, developed the process. This is the first and most publicly announced photographic process.
The process of tachycardia
After a few minutes of camera exposure, the Daguerreotype process yielded clear and detailed results. Practical Photography The year of birth can be considered as 1839. The metal-based Tagore process was invented by William Henry Fox Talbot and competed rapidly with the negative chlorophyll and paper salt printing process, which was shown after the news in 1839. Reached the Tacro Dot Talbot. Subsequent inventions made photography easier and more versatile.
New photo support
The new object reduced the camera’s exposure time from minutes to seconds and finally to moments. New photo media are cheaper, more sensitive and convenient. Since the 1850s, the wet plate process using glass-based photographic plates has been common for decades, combining the high quality known to the Tagoreotype with the many printing options known to the Galotype. Then a roll film for casual use became popular with entertainers. In the mid-20th century, amateurs were able to take natural color and black and white photographs.
Electronic digital cameras
With the commercial introduction of computer-based electronic digital cameras in the 1990s, photography quickly underwent a revolution. In the first decade of the 21st century, the practical advantages of new technologies have been widely recognized, and as the picture quality of digital cameras continues to be affordable, traditional film-based light chemistry techniques have become increasingly alien. Taking photos (and posting online soon) has become commonplace around the world, especially as cameras have become a standard feature on smartphones.
The first photo
The first photograph was taken in 1825 by the French inventor Joseph Nicobar Niepce, view from the window of Le Gross.
Niepce came up with the idea to record camera projections using a petroleum derivative called “Euthanasian bitumen”. Bitumen heals when exposed to light and untreated material. Next, Niepce created a printable negative image by polishing the metal plate. One problem with this method is that the metal plates are heavy, expensive to manufacture, and the polish took a long time.
Importance of World Photography Day
Photography is nothing more than a combination of emotions that show itself in a particular moment and are wonderfully expressed through photography. It transmits infinite feelings and emotions to those who click on the photo and enjoy it. “World Photography Day” is very relevant and has a special note in the modern world. The most important part of the day, it encourages emerging young professionals and aspiring candidates to take photos.
Its importance also includes encouraging students to pursue a career in photography. Photography can also be a lucrative business! Many of us are unaware of the different parts of the photo. Many people around the world have had great success in fields such as landscape photography, wildlife photography and children’s photography.
How to celebrate World Photography Day?
The best way to celebrate “World Photography Day” is to take a picture with a camera, mobile phone or digital device and capture all the good times around you. These pictures are special because they leave precious moments, words left and even lost lives unnoticed. So, don’t forget to take a picture of all the little things, you never know what you will end up with.
At the beginning of the school year, a learning unit is a great way to plan interventions in our classrooms. Dr. Maria Rosaria Melida, Director of the Primary Marconi (VE) School of Galileo Galilei’s Comprehensive Institute of Scorzo, is the “Photo Journalist of the Day” with excellent skills and expertise.
Professional bacon fanatic. Explorer. Avid pop culture expert. Introvert. Amateur web evangelist.