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Distance learning, monitoring student participation.  Here's how: From morning classes to PONs.  Download tutorial templates

Distance learning, monitoring student participation. Here’s how: From morning classes to PONs. Download tutorial templates

Although recent events have prompted schools to move to distance education for the first time, many have found that even 15 months after the first lessons of distance education, they find it difficult to adapt to some of the most basic daily activities, such as monitoring. Addiction to technology has never been greater, even with students, teachers and home appliances. Like many schools where we work, the Google workplace plays an even bigger role in the daily lives of students and staff, with great improvements in the use of Google Drive, meeting and classroom in many districts, and there are support tickets to try this out. Familiar question technology departments are struggling with right now: How do we know when students are not involved in the online resources and activities we provide?

Measure engagement

Measuring student engagement is not a new question for schools, but the lack of training is very difficult to answer. At a basic level, knowing whether or not students are signing in to their school’s Google workplace accounts can be a very important indicator of dismissal.

Gopher for users

Using the Coper for Google Sheets add-ons users can extract their own access reports on the tool to see the number of students who have logged in in the last 7 days, 7-14 days, 14-30 days and beyond In particular, “Data Studio” reports create an exploratory visual dashboard that can be shared with others. Once set up, this dashboard will be updated daily when user data changes.

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The perfect tool for the job

“Coper for users” will make your task many times faster than the admin panel, more visible and less error prone than command line applications.

Find and fix user issues very easily

This makes it easier to identify and take action on inactive, never logged in and suspended users.

Significant access

For more meaningful login details, refer to the Google Sheet to isolate users who are not involved until the most recent sign-in time for a particular user. Use a filter in the “Last Login Time” column to locate users who have not logged into their Google Workplace account within a specified time (today, this week or this month) and take further action from here.


There are a couple of caveats to this. First, the use of mobile and Android devices may fail to capture accurate login data, which is unfortunately not a good solution. Second, if your students use Chromebooks at home, there are some settings that will allow user sessions to continue indefinitely if they are not strictly set. It may be a student online today, but in a session that started last week, it results in the last login time not indicating engagement, so the login date will show the previous date. Fortunately, there are two simple ways to solve this problem.

First, check the close connection process in Chrome user settings. Ideally, you should exit when users log out and set an idle time limit.
Second, users can be forced to reconnect within a specified time using the new session length limit system, typically 8 to 24 hours.

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Precise logins

Now that these settings are enabled you can now be sure that the user login time is accurate with a reasonable amount of error, especially for Chromebook users, and you can use the “User Gopher” to get the information you need and share it with your team. Although the trial version of the tool does not include “Data Studio” reports, the basic functionality of the sheet, including total changes, is available, and the filter option shown above may be used during testing. Ask for a quote to get started or add extras to the sheets.

How to Automatically Collect Attendance at MEET (Google Meet Visit)

You can use Google Chrome’s extended meet attendance to simplify and streamline appeals during video lessons.
Important: Meeting Attendance is a script for Chrome and only works with this type of browser.

How to Establish Google Meeting Attendance

Open the Google Chrome browser In the following link

On the opening page, search for the appointment, click on the “Add” button related to and select the extension of the visit with the red Melina as its symbol.
Please install this extension only if you have already requested the utility from our Privacy Officer.

How to use Google Meeting Attendance

After installing the extension and starting the video lesson with Meet from Chrome, you will see the extension icon displayed in the upper right: Once the video lesson has started, click the extension icon to activate it. Whenever you want to collect a lesson, even during a lesson, you have to click on the icon that shows the number of participants, in the upper right: as a result you will see a screen similar to the one in which you have to click on the attendance log icon in the Google sheet stored in your GoogleDrive.
The sheet will immediately open in another Google Chrome window for you.

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I train

Many schools, aware of the operational and administrative issues associated with technology, have developed training.Liso GP in Vicenza Installation of the tool and precisely from its functionality in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers, it is a real “Google Meeting Guide”. It also provides useful tips for setting it up by suggesting links:

1) For Google Chrome

2) For Mozilla Firefox

Pressing “Add” in Chrome or “Add to Firefox” in Mozilla Firefox will add the tool to the browser.
