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Discover new features at a glance with Airports Pro now features

Discover new features at a glance with Airports Pro now features

New Firmware 4A400 Airboats Pro and Airboats Max Find provide earphones with support for the most advanced functions of the network. After the necessary passage of the update, which is often painful (a process left to Apple’s choice), AirPods gets many new options in the Find My app.

Airports Pro is looking for a case.

Ersats will display the exact location function, with an interface indicating whether you are accessing lost airports. Why Ersats? In the absence of a U1 chip in earphones or headsets, a large arrow pointing to a lost device such as the AirTax cannot be displayed. You should be satisfied with the provocative animation as you approach the airplanes.

But where did my left airport go? Cow

The locate function distinguishes the left ear from the right. So, if you only missed one, mark it by touching the L or R button at the top of the screen. Only headphones are supported, not the case; If the case is lost, the local must have at least one earpiece inside to find it.

But above all, the risk of losing an earring is definitely higher than the case. The location panel also knows how to attach a lost earring or earring to a box. You have to strain your ears to hear the small barrel, so you may have to dig a little harder if the earrings are hidden under a pillow.

It escaped me for some reason, even though both headphones were in their cases, the Locate feature suggested I find one of the headphones. But anyway, it gives a little idea of ​​how this function works.

The signal is sometimes just before capturing the exact location. You need to move it slightly in the opposite direction to the process so that it can enter the closed area via Bluetooth. In my tests, it worked well even though I sometimes wondered if the remaining air in the trunk could actually point to that spot.

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Airboats Pro and Airboats Max benefit from the lost mode, which is much more efficient than what is currently provided: the Locate app only displays the location of the last connection. With this new firmware, it’s the power of the Locate network used to locate lost earrings (based on the billions of Apple devices in circulation around the world).

You can choose to send a message to the finder of the airports, a note with a phone number or email address.

Find My Network is so efficient that it only takes a few minutes to get notified after shutting down the airports (with the iPhone completely turned off). Obviously, the performance of the lost mode depends on the density of iPhones and Apple devices.

This notification launches the Find My app and shows where the earring was lost.

Another very practical function for heads in the air is to now be able to receive a notification alert that someone has left Airports Pro or Max. It works just like AirDex or other Locate compatible objects, enable the function Let me know if you forget, Blocking Unwanted Places Specifying unnecessary places (for example, at home).

You can add as many places as you want from the map or by entering an address.

Can alert immediately, notice is not immediate and I was already far away from the airports when the alarm went off.

It’s not entirely unnecessary to miss out on home airports when people like me go out.
You can tell Find My App that you do not need to be alerted when airports are forgotten at the detected address.

In terms of access, the firmware enables the dialog amplifier functionality available on 4A400 systems Access > Sound-display > Headphone adaptation > Transparency method, Which is at the bottom of this panel (yes, it’s very Sioux).

Once this functionality is enabled, it will allow Airports Pro to better focus on the dining talk in front of the user, allowing them to better follow the face-to-face conversation.

Options Audition Available in the Control Center, you can more or less reduce background noise to make conversations easier to understand.

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If there is no audit button, it must be activated in the control center settings.

All of these new features further strengthen the functionality of the Airports Pro and Mac, especially since the support of the Locket Network will undoubtedly save more than one earphone from total and permanent loss.