Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB)’s regular annual press conference was not expected this time. The increase in radio license fees is not just because it has been put on hold. But the two countries’ company may have to fear its long-term plans for digitalization after the state contract amendment was terminated late last week. After all, a model attempt to send a radio wave exclusively over the Internet for a long time is not capable of reaching a consensus, and the delay is justified.
RBB Director Patricia Schelsinger told a news conference on Monday that the postponement would “not have big consequences for us in the beginning”. Political discussion is on the right track for the broadcaster. He hopes the new state agreement will give the RBB more freedom in the network than it currently has.
“We do not want to push or push any content from the linear program into the Internet. Anyone who says otherwise would say something is wrong,” the RBB boss stressed. “Our ambition is to reach as many people as possible with our content. And when more and more people are online, we want to get there as quickly and easily as possible. But “we will stay there as long as there is VHF and DAP +,” Schellsinger said. But if at one point the usage habits are different, “I want to have more flexibility through a standard state contract so I can act quickly.” It is common parliamentary practice to obtain such proposals from the House of Representatives and the State Parliament. “But it takes time.”
First, RBB needs to make other changes. During the previous evening’s reform on RBB TV, the “Zip” project was dropped. Negotiations are underway with 75 affected freelance workers. Many of them will be needed on the new day. There are currently less than ten employees who lack perspective.
Combine a new garland and modified program on the front
The new RBB Eve is scheduled to start next year and then be made in Potsdam. Project Director John Schultz-Kellinghaus announced that it should be a mix of news including sports, a service magazine and subsequent talk magazine. There will also be a mix of other program content that is increasingly being developed towards the media library. Like the sequels to the ARD-Warden Off Bus and Wappo Berlin series produced for the third and first films, or two new productions, “Tina Mobil” about a mother driving her bakery truck through Brandenburg, “Legal Affairs”, based on the experiences of media lawyer Christian Shirts A series inspired. In addition, the “future years of Berlin” will continue into the 1950s, then grow to 6000 minutes of Berlin history. Many projects, such as the long-running report on the work of Berlin’s mayors, “Local Heroes”, are being developed as content boxes for all channels on TV, radio and online simultaneously. The new cross-media news center will launch at RBB in the fall – designed as an intermediate step towards digital media.
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RBB has another focus on strengthening regional capability. The new RBB Editor-in-Chief, David Bisinger, explained that the studios in Godbus and Frankfurt (Oder) also co-operate with the editorial offices of Antonen Brandenburg and Brandenburg Actuell. The network of regional reporters is to be expanded to 14 employees.
Communication within the red-red-green government coalition shows how far the RBB has become a campaign topic in Berlin. For example, the Alliance Greens learned only from a statement from the Senate Chancellor’s Office in Berlin that media policy spokesman Nodger Schwickerd criticized the amendment to the RPP state agreement as being postponed after the Berlin parliamentary election. The failure of the amendment to the state agreement for the RBB “as a result of an amateur secret cabinet policy of the Berlin and Brandenburg state presidents” – thus sees the SPD as Landserbeitszminnchoft median der Pontnis-Groenen.
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