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Astronomers are about to make a 'basic announcement' about the black hole in our galaxy

Astronomers are about to make a ‘basic announcement’ about the black hole in our galaxy

Scientists and astronomers around the world are eagerly awaiting this Thursday, May 12th.

At 3:00 pm, Project Horizon Telescope (EHT) project members and the European Southern Observatory (ESO) are set to perform an action. “Big announcement” About Sagittarius A supermassive black hole located in the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

EHT has a worldwide network of telescopes on eight different platforms, the combined power of which allows for the observation of rapid phenomena such as black holes. Most of the time these are invisible because they absorb any kind of material or radiation.

So astronomers tried to avoid this difficulty by focusing “Event area”I.e. the bright outline of the black hole Sagittarius A.

From these observations, they drew “Revolutionary Results” That will be delivered on the same day.

“Simultaneous press conferences will be held on May 12, 2022 at 1 pm local time.”, The EHT website said. The event will be broadcast online around the world from ESO headquarters in Munich, Germany. This can be followed on the official website and on the European Southern Observatory’s YouTube channel.

Astronomers are about to make a ‘basic announcement’ about the black hole in our galaxy

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