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Android Tread receives German voice release, new information on August 27 • Nintendo Connect

Android Tread receives German voice release, new information on August 27 • Nintendo Connect

Metroid fear Available in stores on October 8, 2021 – with Nintendo Switch (OLED model). Nintendo also recently released a new video clip Metroid fear Released on YouTube, it reveals German voice acting for the game. In addition, the Metroid Dread Report Module. 5 Released, in which you will learn about the many abilities of Sams Aran, including various weapons and attacks. Nintendo promises “new secrets” for next report (Volume 6) Metroid fearReleased August 27, 2021.

The X parasite, with the ability to replicate organisms, was believed to be extinct … until the galaxy received a disturbing exchange.

Mobile multiform identifiers have been sent to investigate the matter outside the seven planets known as EMMI.

But shortly after EMMI landed on the planet where the broadcast came from … they disappeared.

Melee Counter, Chest Ball, Jumping and Ion Skills … Samus Versatile. Are you looking forward to the release? Metroid fear Nintendo Switch and I believe Metro Prime4 In a German voice release?

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