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The PlayStation VR2 may not be compatible backwards, with an internal -

The PlayStation VR2 may not be compatible backwards, with an internal –

Yesterday Sony released the official technical specifications PlayStation VR2, The new PS5 virtual reality headset, but many aspects of the exterior still need to be clarified. One of them is, for example, whether it exists Backwards compatible With PlayStation VR Schedule. Sony responded with a “no opinion” in practice on the matter, while internal sources believe Nick Baker Not possible.

Axios reporter Stephen Totillo says on Twitter that he has asked Sony whether the PlayStation VR2 is compatible backwards with previous headset’s games. A company spokesman said Sony had not been notified about the headset.

Praising Totilo’s post, Nick Baker, Co-founder of XboxEra and better known as “Shpeshal Nick”, claims that the PlayStation VR2 is not compatible backwards. However, this is information that was obtained a year ago, so, as Insider himself points out, things may have changed later and Sony may have somehow integrated backwards compatibility into its new PS5 headset or added it after the update.

“I was told almost a year ago that the PlayStation VR2 would not be backwards compatible. But will they have time to do that after that? Or will they add backwards compatibility after launch? Many VRs offer different games. Can’t play on new device,” says Baker.

In fact, considering the many PSVR games offered by Sony through the PlayStation Plus, if the PlayStation VR2 is backwards compatible with the previous viewer list, many players may find it quite attractive. Baker’s information is not currently confirmed, so we’re waiting for more details from Sony, which may come during a future PlayStation VR2 presentation.

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According to Baker, among others, Valve and Sony may have signed a deal to bring Half-Life: Alix to the PlayStation VR2.