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It may seem unbelievable, but by this trick the orchid will live longer and gain beauty

It may seem unbelievable, but by this trick the orchid will live longer and gain beauty

The orchid is one of the most beautiful and beloved indoor plants, which has a large group of fans and enthusiasts.

When we do not know what a real “wild card” should give us and do not want to show it empty, it is a thought suitable for different occasions.


There are different species of different sizes and shades, elegant and refined for any occasion.

One or two of these plants are enough to complete the furniture in specific rooms such as the living room and bathroom.

Not only for its beauty and bright colors, but also for its extraordinary ability to absorb moisture, in fact it is a perfect plant as a natural moisturizer.

However, keeping it alive and ensuring its maximum splendor is not always easy.

It may seem unbelievable, but by this trick the orchid will live longer and gain beauty

In fact, these flowers are easy to maintain, especially after the first flowering and the natural fall of the flowers.

How can you keep her healthy and ready for beautiful new buds?

One of the most effective secrets is, for a specific reason, about carefully cleaning the leaves.

Keeping them shiny and shiny will ensure that they attract as much light as possible, which is one of the most effective natural “fertilizers”.

It may seem unbelievable, but with this trick the orchid can live longer and gain beauty.

But be careful not to use aggressive methods and products that will not only benefit but also affect the survival of the plant.

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Let’s look at methods and tricks.

When and what to do

Items we already have at home and we can use for this process:

  • லட்டு;
  • Marseille soap;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Cloth and hot water.

A glass of 3 parts milk and a glass of water is enough. Then with a cotton cloth we can apply the liquid to polish the leaves.

By the same method you can apply a mixture of 30 g of Marseille soap in 250 ml of warm water.

Finally, squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water and wipe with a cloth to work wonders.

The leaves of an orchid are “distorted” and shady InflorescencesYet, they play a fundamental role.

Even dirt and dust run the risk of damaging the plant’s respiration, which is why it is important to follow this good habit with every change of season.


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