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Minimum requirements and downloads, all details

Minimum requirements and downloads, all details

Everything is ready to start now Windows 11: The new operating system will be officially launched tomorrow, October 5, 2021, And in form Free update For PC or device owners with satisfactory technical specifications Minimum requirements The list of features needed to make the need switch has been revised over the last few months, which will include what is included and how to make the latest evolution of the site completely free.

Windows 11: Requirements and Downloads

In many cases, Microsoft He underlined that some stocks are set up to guarantee adequate reliability, security and compatibility on the platform so that the user experience provided is not at risk of being compromised or compromised by hardware. Below is a list of computer requirements, see the pages for more details Official site.

  • Processor: Compatible 64-bit processor or system-on-a-chip with two or more cores at least 1 GHz List of authorized CPUs);
  • RAM: At least 4GB;
  • Archive: At least 64GB;
  • Firmware: UEFI compatible with secure boot (see also Configuration);
  • Reliable operating system module: Version 2.0 (see instructions How to run it);
  • Video card: Compatible with DirectX 12 or later WDDM 2.0 driver;
  • ScreenHigh definition (720p) 8-bit for each color channel, with a diagonal of over 9 inches;
  • Internet connection: Network and Microsoft account access required for home version configuration.

A quick way to know if your computer is ready to welcome Windows 11 Has the tool PC integrity test, Released directly by Microsoft (Direct link to download): All you have to do is press the “Check Now” button and wait for a while. If the returned message is as follows, good news, everything will be fine for update.

Windows 11: PC Integrity Checker

Otherwise, details about it Technical specifications Do not comply with the minimum requirements.

Windows 11 - Check requirements

Once you have confirmed that your device has all the credentials to get a free upgrade to Windows 11, How to download New operating system? Through which it will be distributed directly Windows Update, As well as packages that are regularly released by the software home. A tip: If you are in a hurry to get back to work with your computer, it may take longer than expected.

Most likely, the download and installation of Windows 11 will take longer than a regular Windows 10 feature update. You can use your computer while the Windows 11 download is in progress. Then you can schedule the installation at a specific time, such as not using your computer.

Even if the minimum requirements test is successful, the upgrade to Windows 11 may not be available right now. In other words, tomorrow (Tuesday 5 October 2021) is the grid ReleaseHowever, its completion is expected only in the first half of 2022. So it will be together Gradual distribution, An option chosen by Microsoft, to make sure everything is going in the right direction and to avoid problems appearing.

Finally, remember Dissatisfied users It will take 10 days to return from Windows 11 Windows 10.

After installing the Windows 11 update, you can save the changed files and data and go back to Windows 10 for 10 days. After 10 days, back up your data to Windows 10 and perform a clean installation.