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Renzi downloads Orlando: "He failed" and chooses the narrator: Mixise

Renzi downloads Orlando: “He failed” and chooses the narrator: Mixise

The former prime minister of Palermo slammed the mayor: “He deserves the respect of history, but waste and coffins are a scandal.” Honey with words for Forza Italia

“I have respect for Leoluca Orlando, The historical existence of this city and its name have been linked to many positive things for the resumption of Palermo, but the fact that things in the past, especially the massive and extraordinary corruption of waste and coffins is something we did not expect to see. Sorry but that’s wrong. Orlando failed. Italian Viva Matteo Renzi in Palermo responded to questions from reporters and said this on the page of the presentation of the book ‘Contro Current’. Until a few months ago, IV was in charge of the city, and Orlando decided to fire its councilors.

They were there at a meeting with the former prime minister Leaders of his party, including Eddie Tamajo (Forsa leaving for Italy), but also representatives of the Action (Calenda’s party) and + Europe, led by Fabrizio Ferrandelli. Renzi reiterated, as in previous meetings, that he did not understand the transfer of San Martino, Sudano and Scoma to Salvini’s league. He also sent a message to the center-right and Gianfranco Mixisse: “We have been working with Forza Italia for many years in opposite positions, but today there is something new – he says – Lega and FDI sovereigns, far removed from us in Europe, On the other hand there is the Democrats, from which I come, which wants five stars and citizenship income.In this novelty, objectively, with the world of Forza Italia in government, I think of Marastella Gelmini’s Mara Corfagna, we think we can talk well and talk in Sicily in this central part as well. Words of praise: “He said things that others did not say when there was a crisis on the Dziotti ship”.

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“We don’t know how we’re going to get there In the next election – Renzi re-announced – and we do not know what the container will be. But I think the league is not going anywhere, I think the Democrats can’t chase the M5s, and I think 5 stars are politically dead. I think Forza Italia should be chosen.