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Update 1.3.4 is available, here are the changes -

Update 1.3.4 is available, here are the changes –

Ubisoft has released a new update Indestructible Phoenix Rising, PreciselyUpdate 1.3.4. The developers’ official forum takes care of improving this connection, as announced by the game’s stability, performance and some bug fixes. So let’s look at all the details.

Here Corrections Immortals Phoenix Rising Update 1.3.4 of “Tasks“:

  • Fixed an issue where the “Go to Hero Things” task was not completed.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Go to Hero Things” task did not progress to the “Nest Egg” task.
  • Fixed an issue where Cerberus failure was not recorded in the Hades Hound vault.
  • Fixed an issue that was not triggered by a movie in “Bold from the Blue”.
  • “A new god” – an invisible wall Fixed an issue that prevented the completion of “Zeus’ test”.
  • “Lost Gods” – “Fixed an issue where Demeter appeared underground during the Guardian of the Garden. Wait. What?”
  • Fixed an issue where the player character could not communicate with Poseidon during the missions of “The Last Coats” – “Powerful Waves, A Rock of Dumb” and “The Other, Other Brother”.

Indestructible Phoenix Rising
Indestructible Phoenix Rising

What a concern Sportsinstead:

  • Fixed an issue where fused shorts were not provided when collecting in the “agility arena”.
  • Fixed an issue that was missing from Horai Westment inventory

What a concern DLC The Last Quotes, l’update 1.3.4 di Immortals Phoenix Rising Introduction:

  • Fixed an issue where Essences would stop working after a certain time.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character suddenly swam up and down in the large waterfalls found in the Boria region.
  • Fixed an issue where opportunistic achievement was presented too quickly.
  • Fixed an issue where the difficulty increased too fast.
  • Fixed an issue where opponents appeared in advance after being defeated in the same game day cycle.
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Finally, the following debug was introduced PC version Game: Fixed an issue where the game crashed while moving the window from one monitor to another in window mode. Finally, Ubisoft’s sales are satisfying, especially in Switzerland.