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God of War: The sports director speaks briefly in the upcoming title release

God of War: The sports director speaks briefly in the upcoming title release

Last night, Sony Broadcast a Game level Talk about future games PlayStation, Fans in particular were entitled to the announcement Final Fantasy VII Remake Integrated, Most Missing important and long-awaited topics, As Harrison Forbidden West Or next God of War.

God of War New Game Plus 1

Still, Continuation of adventures Kratos Not on the show, Sports director Cory Barlock admitted that he was not even aware of its presence on social media Game level Before its official announcement. But, then, When will the next one come out God of War, Subtitled by fans already Raknarak ? OK, Officially, in 2021, Most Cory Barlock Say that The game will be released “when it’s ready”. From there until you imagine the postponement to 2022, there is only one step, which is already easy …

The sports director mentions it “This is the best for everyone”, Understand that he prefers to delay his game rather than releasing it at the time initially planned by bugs. Until then, you can still dive again God of War of 2018, it received A PS5 connection at the beginning of the month. If you don’t have the game, it’s up to you 95 on 19.95 Amazon.

Author VignetAmari M. / Clint 008
Writer – Tester
More or less noisy music explorer, hat and vinyl collector, fan of Blade Runner and Deuce X. I like Zombies and Kadulhu.
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