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Yes, the French dating processor

Yes, the French dating processor

Launched a few weeks ago for the attention of middle school, high school and college students, it has temporarily peaked at the peak of downloads from the Apple Store.

Meet your prospective classmates before the start of the school year? This is now possible with this latest French application Yelly. On Facebook and LinkedIn, it targets young people between the ages of 13 and 25. College, high school or student, the platform helps the school to relieve stress and “Build your futureBy talking to people his age.

First, three co-founders, Samuel Sekron, Pierre Tryponto and Kamil Jira, 27. While studying in business school these entrepreneurial profiles created different projects before coming together behind Yelly.

“This is a network of students where they are provided with a nice and secure place, no matter who they are other than Snapshot or Instagram users.”

Samuel Sekron, CEO of Yelly

On June 20, a website was created that was very practical for its users before it was converted into a smartphone app on August 13th. For a few days, it topped the rankings of free apps in the App Store, ahead of WhatsApp, Dictoc or Instagram. Today, Yelly posts “Several thousand downloads

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