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WordPress 5.8 dot is also available for download

WordPress 5.8 dot is also available for download

Used throughout WordPress today WordPress 5.8 dot Has released the next update for the Content Management System of the same name. This edition was made out of respect Art Tatum, The famous jazz piano. In the new version, support for additional modules has been added, and widgets can also be managed by modules. Posts with new modules and templates may be displayed, and templates for posts may be edited. Overview of page structure, suggested templates for modules and the ability to style and color your images are new. Support for WebP is also included: WebP is a modern image format that provides advanced seamless and low-loss compression for images on the web. Support for Internet Explorer 11 ended this release. This means that you may have trouble managing your website in the future. You can download the update immediately or via existing installations in the WordPress backend Dashboard ›Updates With one click Upgrade now Come up with a new version. If your website supports automatic background updates, the latest version of WordPress may already be active. More information about this update can be found below or at WordPress Blog.


Download -> Download WordPress 5.8 Totem

Version 5.8 of WordPress can be downloaded from the WordPress website:

Version 5.8 includes the following new features and improvements:

Management of widgets with modules

  • After months of hard work, the power of modules has come to both the Black Widget Editor and the Customizer. Now you can add modules in the widget areas of your site and in the live preview by customizing. This opens up new possibilities for creating content: from codeless mini layouts to a vast library of mainstream and third-party modules. For our developers, you can find more details in the Widgets Dev note.
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View posts with new modules and templates

  • The query loop module makes it possible to display posts based on specific parameters; Like a PHP loop without code. Easily showcase posts from a specific category to do things like create a portfolio or a page full of your favorite recipes. Imagine this is a very complex and powerful latest posts volume! Additionally, sample suggestions make it easier than ever to create a list of posts with the format you want.

Edit templates for posts

  • You can use the custom module editor to edit the templates that hold your content – a module theme or implement this feature selected theme. When using the familiar module editor, switch from editing your posts to editing your pages. There are more than 20 new modules within the compatible themes. Read more about this feature and how to test it out in the release notes.

Overview of page structure

  • Sometimes you just need a simple landing page, but sometimes you just need something a little stronger. As volumes increase, patterns emerge, and content creation becomes easier, requiring new solutions to move complex content easily. The best way to move between layers of content and built-in blocks is to display the list. The list view gives you an overview of all the blocks in your content so you can quickly get to the exact block you need. Ready to fully focus on your content? Enable and disable it according to your workflow.

Recommended templates for modules

  • Beginning with this release, the Pattern Transformations tool will suggest block formats based on the volume you are using. Now, let’s try this in the query module and the social icon module. With the addition of additional forms you can get inspiration on how to style your site without leaving the editor!
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Style and color images

  • Color your image and close the modules with Dotone Filters! Diodon can add a pop of color to your designs and design your images to integrate with your themes. You can think of the dooton effect as a black and white filter, but instead of the shades being black and the highlights being white, you choose your own colors for the shadows and highlights. There is still a lot more to learn about how this works in the documentation.

Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported

  • Support for Internet Explorer 11 ended this release. This means that in the future you may have trouble managing your website which is not fixed. If you are still using IE11, it is recommended that you switch to a more modern browser.

Added support for WebP

  • WebP is a modern image format that provides advanced seamless and low-loss compression for images on the web. WebP images are, on average, about 30% smaller than their JPEG or PNG equivalent, resulting in faster websites and less data volume.

Added support for additional modules

  • Expanding previously implemented module support in WordPress 5.6 and 5.7, WordPress 5.8 introduces several new module support flags and new options for customizing your registered modules. Additional information supporting the Dev reference is available in the module.

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Via WordPress Blog