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Wolf-related situation in the Allied field

Wolf-related situation in the Allied field

Following visual observations and readings of a series of footprints in the city of Carnat-sur-Engievre on January 5, the French Biodiversity Office (OFB) concluded that these elements fit well with the image-pinotype ‘wolf’.

In addition, the report on the 2 lambs that died in the municipality of Paray-le-Frésil in March 2021 concluded that the responsibility for the wolf could not be ruled out.

Following the evolution of the situation

As the department was described as a potential colonial front, the state services organized themselves to monitor the situation and act as quickly as possible.

Growers who observe possible predatory activities in their herds are invited to contact the Environmental Service of the Regional Directorate (DDT) 04 70 48 77 19 As soon as possible a report can be made by an authorized agent of the French Office for Biodiversity.

It is important to protect dead animals with a plastic sheet, not to move them, and to photograph them if possible.

Find all instructions from the monitoring section already in place at the-department-of-l, phone number outside office hours and presentations and minutes of meetings. allier-organizes-a3032.html

In addition, the Loup-Lynx network is already in place in the field, with the training of many reporters, with the aim of collecting and tracking any traces of nature or wildlife.

Additional information on Lupine’s population monitoring and reporters’ network in France

Conservation of flocks

Based on these elements and hunting events in the neighborhood, Allier’s Prefect categorizes the following municipalities into Circle 2: Beaulon – La Chapelle aux Chasses – Chevagnes – Chezy – Gannay-sur-Loire – Garnat-sur-Engièvre – Gennetines – Paray-le-Fr Saint-Ennemond Saint-₋ Martin-des-Lais.

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Circle 2 allows breeders who wish to benefit from the European Agricultural Fund (EAFRD) grant for rural development to purchase and maintain electric fences and / or guard dogs. Files must be downloaded from the website
eu / project-call / support-the-fight-against-predation-0 “class =” spip_out “rel =” external “> https: //www.europe-enauvergnerhonealpes and Allier DDT – Sent to Agricultural Economic Service – 51 boulevard Saint Exupéry – 03 403 YZEURE Before April 30, 2022.

Other municipalities in the department are classified in Circle 3, allowing breeders who wish to benefit from the grant to purchase and maintain guard dogs. The task of filing the files is to take place Before June 30, 2022. You can download the files from the same address above.

Any information on 04 70 48 79 79 is available to DDT breeders.