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japon record monde vitesse transmission donnees

With 319 Tb / s, Japan broke the world record for data transfer speeds

After the previous one year Data transfer log, Researchers at a Japanese technology company – somewhat of the same group – seemed impossible in such a short period of time: using an innovative method using multicore optical fiber, they achieved twice the previous record: 319 Tb / s!

With its new transmission technology, a team of scientists and engineers led by Benjamin Putnam, a physicist at the National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT) in Japan, was able to transmit data at an incredible recording speed of 319 terabytes via optical cable. Over 3000 km.

Not only will this result shatter the previous record of 178 Tb / s, but the technology here will be compatible with existing infrastructure. So it can be upgraded relatively easily. The developed system generates previous work involving NICT, which reached a speed of 172 Tb / s announced last year. To give you an idea of ​​what this new speed means: it’s like transferring 80,000 HD movies in a second!

Multi core optical fiber: Signal distortion is reduced over long distances

To achieve this result, the researchers used 4-core multicore optical fiber (MF), which channel data into four fiber optic tubes rather than one technology, which is fiber-like. Standard, to reduce signal distortion over long distances. Details of this organization were provided in June 2021International Conference on Optical Fiber Communications.

Project system exchange 319 tb / s Japan
A simple diagram showing the transfer system. © NICT

Data is transmitted using a technology called wavelength multiplexing (WDM). The signals are divided into 552 channels and transmitted by a laser that transmits them through four optical fibers.

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The improvement needed to go “beyond 5G”

At intervals of 70 km with the fiber, the amplifiers increase the signal strength to control transmission losses over long distances. These amplifiers are innovative, consisting of equivalent and erbium.

Overall, the average performance for one channel is 145 gigabits per second for each core, and 580 gigabits per second for four cores, which is already at breakneck speed. Thus the recording performance of 312 terabytes was reached at 552 channels at maximum wavelengths.

The casing of the four optical fiber cores is the same diameter as a standard single-core optical fiber, which is “interested in accepting SDM (spatial multiplexing) fibers quickly over high-speed and long-distance connections. Researchers say.

The team plans to continue to work on its long-distance data transfer system to increase transmission capability and expand the range, especially to cover transsocianal distances. ” 4-core optical fiber can be cabled with existing equipment, and it is believed that these fibers can enable convenient high-speed data transfer in a short period of time, helping to realize the network communication system needed to propagate new ones. Services beyond 5G », Write researchers.