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Wignon-en-Querci.  It was in the spring that the birds came to the library

Wignon-en-Querci. It was in the spring that the birds came to the library

This is an interactive exhibition for adults and children. Using digital tablets and desktops, one can follow a path and listen to the song of the birds, identify their characteristics and learn what they eat. In addition, about twenty books are available with photos, each of which is more exciting than the next.

Anne Leymat, Municipal Councilor in charge of Culture, Claire Cauchois, Travel Librarian in Cauvaldor, Patricia Lemaire, Library Referee and six volunteers presented this wonderful exhibition at the Vignon-en Library until May 14th. -Quercy. This is a loan provided by BDP (Departmental Library). By registering at the library, you can avail the services of the Lot Media Library for free, namely by borrowing and downloading digital books, documents, movies, and more! The exhibition library is open during opening hours, Monday and Friday from 5 to 6:30 p.m. After May 14, the birds will fly to Mapa from May 16 to 21.

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