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WhatsApp trick to write obliquely or boldly

WhatsApp trick to write obliquely or boldly

WhatsApp, the most used messaging site in the world, is no longer just a simple chat container, but a quick way to get in touch wherever you are. And that’s not all. Now WhatsApp has taken over the function of the community, a working tool, On the agenda Many more.

WhatsApp today can be customized in many ways, from aesthetics to affecting our privacy. Finally, another aspect that can affect you is text. Just like you write on a computer, you can work on the text and edit the type of format you want to send to the person you are talking to.


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Below we will reveal the trick to changing WhatsApp text as you type, creating words Gradient, In Bold Oh Prohibited.

You do not need any external application to implement this trick, you just need to convert the text with very simple code.


To create a word or phrase in italics you must underline it before and after, so for example: _word or phrase in italics_


Likewise, to write boldly, you need to put an asterisk before and after the word or phrase you want to return. Like this: * bold word or phrase *


Finally, it is prohibited. Again, this “~” symbol must be placed before and after the sentence or word. Then it changes to: word crossword or phrase

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