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whatsapp desktop videochiamate

WhatsApp desktop, video calls have arrived: they are executed like this

After years of waiting on the side of users, WhatsApp has finally made it Desktop video calls, With Windows and MacOS operating systems. Even in Italy, it is already possible to make calls from desktop to desktop or from desktop to mobile (and vice versa).

But beware: we’re not talking about this. “WhatsApp Web“But of”WhatsApp desktop“, That isSedentary application For Windows and Mac, this is not a window that can be opened in any browser to link to the site This is not a small difference, and we will explain why this is related to WhatsApp’s new privacy policy. However, before touching on the topic of the pin, let’s look at how to make and receive video calls on the WhatsApp desktop, and before that, how to install the WhatsApp desktop on Windows or Mac.

How To Install WhatsApp Desktop

The first thing to do on both Windows and Mac Download the WhatsApp desktop app On the computer. We find it in the Microsoft Store (a This address) Or on the Apple Mac Store (a This address). In both cases, the application is free and installs in seconds.

Once the WhatsApp desktop application is installed, all we have to do is Link it to our WhatsApp profile, Is already active on our smartphone. The procedure for connecting to a WhatsApp desktop is equivalent to connecting to a WhatsApp web: Frame The QR code.

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If we have already opened the WhatsApp web in a browser and opened the WhatsApp desktop app, you will be asked if you would like to use WhatsApp in the browser or application. Maybe when it comes down to it WhatsApp Multiple Device, You can use them simultaneously.

WhatsApp desktop video calls, how you do it

You can use it as soon as the application is installed and linked to our profile Chat and make video calls. The interface is similar to the WhatsApp web, which is almost identical to the WhatsApp application for Android and iOS smartphones.

The only difference is that WhatsApp is now on the desktop New camera icon Make video calls: You can view it by entering a conversation Top right Before the phone handset icon, search magnifying glass and three-point menu.

When starting a video call via WhatsApp desktop for the first time, you will be asked to provide WhatsAppRecognition Access the microphone and camera. The video window is always on the front during a video call, so as not to get lost in the case of a very busy desktop.

When we start a video call via WhatsApp desktop, we need to pay attention to one detail: this is not a video conferencing software, it is dedicated to the job, so nothing Waiting room When clicking the video camera icon We are already calling.

Today you can only make 1 to 1 video call You cannot make group video calls Via WhatsApp desktop.

This is why WhatsApp does not work on the web

Everything we just described applies to the WhatsApp desktop application only: there is no new icon for video calls on the WhatsApp web. This will not last long as a matter of data management.

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WhatsApp Web is, in fact, a WhatsApp website running in our browser. This means the browser can access our data and read our chats. WhatsApp desktop, on the other hand, is one The application is in its own right and does everything automatically.

With New Privacy Policy With effect from May 15, the amount of user data sent to the Facebook group is likely to increase significantly (actually much higher in the United States than in Europe where GDPR control is in effect).