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WhatsApp and message without typing (but not regular voice)

WhatsApp and message without typing (but not regular voice)

Almost unknown function but saves a lot of time. A voice message without opening WhatsApp.

WhatsApp News
Photo © Adobe Stock

Lately we are mostly talking about possible changes associated with various privacy updates, but, really, there is always something to find out about WhatsApp. Because even This is undoubtedly the most used application By most smartphone owners and, to meet very different needs. And, above all, for convenience commands that are increasingly needed for similar devices. WhatsApp includes all of these.

From the ability to send messages to quickly exchange content, the Facebook-led processor has consolidated its leadership over the years (at least a few months ago, When updating privacy conditions Caused mass migration to the Telegram). Now, it is upgrading its tools that allow users to save time in sending messages. Apparently impossible. However

WhatsApp, Messages without touching the screen: previously unknown function

Not everyone knows but there is a very quick way to chat, you can send our message without even using your fingers to type it. In practice, WhatsApp aims to save even the “problem” of moving the thumb of the hand to type. The function in question is, in fact, Able to create words and phrases “Sliding” directly on the screen. Use your voice but not to create a voice message, but to write it by speaking it. A trick is available by the Android system, however it must be implemented.

Read more >>> Do you like listening to voice messages? The new WhatsApp function will help you

The use of voice recognition is, in fact, an option allowed by smartphones traveling on Android, following its implementation (with information, then a simple “OK Google”), Allow to send a message on WhatsApp I’m just talking. The first command to execute requires the following words: “Send a WhatsApp message …”. Enter your preferred name and see what you like for the desired contact. A quick way, you do not even need to open the application.

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