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Windows 11 (build 22483) : Quoi De Neuf Et Comment Le

What’s new and how to download it

Windows 11 (Build 22483): New and How

After today’s news regarding Android applications on Windows 11, it is time to talk about the new Windows 11 development on the Dev channel. We remind you that the Dev Channel is working on the updates we will receive next year, which is why Android apps cannot be tested at this time. Let’s see what’s new on the Built 22483 on the Dev Channel.

What’s new in version 22483?

7th Anniversary Badge Exclusively for Windows Insiders

To celebrate the anniversary following this week, they will begin presenting the 7th anniversary badge. We will soon be meeting Windows Insiders in the Feedback Center Achievements section in the coming weeks. Thanks to everyone who participated and supported the Windows Insider program!

Seven-year badge for the Windows Insider program

Changes and improvements in Built 22483

  • They added the ability to right-click the “Recommended” or “More” button at the beginning to update the items displayed there.

Create 22483 links


  • Fixed an issue where the search would appear in black and no content would be displayed below the search box.


  • Searching for “View” will now return the display settings.


  • When you try to access the Linux entry for WSL in the File Explorer navigation panel, you should no longer mention an error “Wsl.localhost not available, not enough resources” On systems with ARM64 processors.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented mobile data from working on some devices in the latest versions of the Dev channel.
  • Fixed an issue with NTFS when USN login was enabled, in which it performed unnecessary additional actions on each character that could affect I / O performance.
  • Some minor improvements have been made to the keyboard navigation and performance of the monitor screen reader.
  • Webview2 Processes must now be properly compiled with the application used in the Tasks Manager Tasks tab.
  • The task manager’s advertiser column alleviated an issue preventing publisher names from being retrieved.
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Known bugs


  • Users who upgrade to the new building or earlier using the latest ISO on the Advanced Channel may receive the following warning message: The version you are trying to install is signed. To proceed with the installation, activate the signature. If we get this message, press the activate button, restart the system and try the update again.
  • Some users may find that their screen and sleep time are reduced. They explore the potential impact of short screen and sleep times on power consumption.
  • Sometimes they are exploring internal reports that the Task Manager Processes tab is empty.
  • A solution to the problem of some devices checking for SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCPTION errors while upgrading, starting with the previous version, is under consideration. If you are already experiencing this problem, please restart and try the update again.
  • They are exploring insiders’ reports that Xbox Game Boss games cannot be installed with error 0x00000001.

Get started

  • In some cases, you may not be able to enter text when using Startup Search on the taskbar. If this happens to you, press WIN + R to open the Run dialog box and then close it.


  • The taskbar sometimes flashes when switching between different input methods.
  • We are working on an issue where the toolbar help text appears in an unexpected place after circling the corner of the taskbar.


  • After clicking the search icon in the taskbar, the search panel may not open. If this happens, restart the process “Windows Explorer” And reopen the search panel.
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Quick actions

  • They are exploring some reports of insiders whose volume and brightness control are not shown correctly in quick action.