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WEF, the central character of 5G in the post-Govt.  Download the report

WEF, the central character of 5G in the post-Govt. Download the report

5G represents an excellent opportunity for digital growth, and thanks to the rapid impact of the epidemic that has accumulated over the course of years in a few weeks.

5G will be a basic tool for the post-global recovery and the growing spread of related technologies, especially cloud, AI and EDGE computing. This is the central thesis of the now published report World Economic Forum (WEF). The digital transformation imposed by the epidemic will force millions of workers to work smart at home, and based on the pervasiveness of ultra-broadband networks we need to rethink our daily lives as a whole.

Rapid effect of infection

The quick effect of Govt 19 is for everyone to see. According to the WEF, millions of people are locked up in their homes, “Many years of digital transformation have accumulated in a few weeks” During the acute phase of locking. The digital effect has been documented in all companies large and small and in all countries at the domestic level.

The first definite result is that new tools have been delivered to the work world, and thanks to the advancement of digital communications, and the 5G way, the expectation for the promise of new powerful tools is increasing in the years to come.

The WEF report identifies some specific trends related to the spread of 5G over the next few years.

Classic 5G mobile

The first bunch of opportunities are limited ‘Classic 5G Mobile’: Possibility to completely free the workplace and its assets from the place fire place including employees and in any case thanks to 5G and breaks distances and physical barriers. Some examples Remote detection using AI smart vision tools. Another trend Related transport and driverless vehicles and drones For transportation and monitoring of objects. A series of new technological opportunities that open up new business models based on the integration of travel.

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Monitoring and monitoring

Then, there are tracking and monitoring related solutions, where 5G is standard and records the processes and movements of other nearby devices. It is clear that IoT is involved in this area with applications ranging from security to the use of assets to the maintenance and management of industrial processes.

This category includes environmental monitoring and protection, and industrial robotics has diverse applications in complex processes and precision tasks.

The report also highlights the role of 5G as a facilitator of digital democracy, where technology can spread its benefits everywhere.