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We explain how to switch to Prime Gaming and get free games

We explain how to switch to Prime Gaming and get free games

Freebox Delta Subscribers: We Explain How To Change For Prime Gaming And Get Free Games

You can declare games saved in games using their Amazon Prime subscription and now retrieve and download games in the same app.

There is a variation on Amazon Gaming, dedicated to video games from Jeff Bezos’ company. If previously, it was necessary to go to a dedicated webpage to restore the rights to the games, and then to the Twitch app to install them. Amazon has brought it all into one application: Amazon Games.

You can download it by clicking This linkAll you have to do is sign in with your Amazon Prime credentials. In the same interface, you will find your free games for recovery and the possibility to install them.

In fact, Prime subscribers are offered a section dedicated to games where you can click “Restore” to get the right to install your game.

All you have to do is click “Install” and when the process is complete you can play your game. As a reminder, Prime Gaming is included for Primebox Delta subscribers and is available as an option for all Freebox subscribers with Amazon at a subscription premium of 5.99 மாதம் / month.

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