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Version 2.0 Free Tomorrow, Trailer and Update Details and DLC –

Monster Hunter Rice Capcom was one of the absolute protagonists of today’s presentation, during which one Trailer Ann Version 2.0 Of the game, great free updates and programs coming this week D.L.C. Future.

Monster Hunter Rise: Version 2.0 is thus available Free update Wednesday April 28, 2021, Or tomorrow, and will bring many interesting news such as various new monsters to hunt and some apex creatures, as well as additional quests related to the latter.

Monster Hunter Rise: Overview of the new content of version 2.0
Monster Hunter Rise: Overview of the new content of version 2.0

In particular, these New monsters Version 2.0 of Monster Hunter Rice is provided in:

  • Teestra
  • Kushala Tavara
  • Chameleons
  • Apex Diablos
  • Apex Rattlos

Apart from these are introduced New searches To hunt against apex monsters that can appear in various areas and cause devastation like Magnumlo that may appear during rampage searches.

Monster Hunter Rise, revised to version 2.0
Monster Hunter Rise, revised to version 2.0

New is also expected Weapons and equipment, In addition a Raising the cap In the Hunter rankings, it may now rise above level 7, which is the maximum limit. With Update 2.0, hub searches can be balanced based on how far we have progressed, and as player status increases, more monsters will begin to appear in the game world.

A High levels You can also gain access to new rampage quests, arena quests and especially soliciting single player tasks, in order to always provide a consistent challenge based on the progress of the player experience.

Once the level cap is opened, it is possible to create a new multi-level armor that can change the look of the character without sacrificing the capabilities and statistics of the armor used by a new system. Aesthetic properties Set.

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Many are expected This show To download with version 2.0, this can be done offline as many times as we want, so they are not interspersed with specific time intervals or the need to connect online. Rewards may include gestures and stickers to use to personalize the gaming experience.

Also notable DLC Project With the version 2.0 update, starting tomorrow, April 28th: ​​the latter will be free, but with the continuing DLC. Fee, Which will continue in the future, can be found in the list of contents currently planned in the image below:

Monster Hunter Rise, list of upcoming DLCs
Monster Hunter Rise, list of upcoming DLCs

Players can purchase a variety of items to help transformOrigin And the characteristics of the character, from a purely aesthetic point of view. These are vouchers that allow you to change your voice, movements, pose, hair, face and many more elements. The first of these vouchers is free, the others will be paid later. There are stickers, extra music and various extra elements.

There will be a big update next Version 3.0 It is already scheduled for the end of May, but so far there is no official information. We also saw the third trailer of Monster Hunter Stories 2 from today’s presentation.