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Use Family Vouchers for Canteen Payment Year 2021/2022 - Download, Complete and Send Form

Use Family Vouchers for Canteen Payment Year 2021/2022 – Download, Complete and Send Form

Beneficiaries of family vouchers who wish to use the amount for canteen fees for the academic year 2021/2022 should fill in the attached form and send it by e-mail [email protected]. The payment deadline has been postponed to September 30.

Within a week you will receive an email of the payment and the amount recorded. The Simial platform will be viewed within 30 days from the date of the accounting request, but is still valid for payments for the current months.

Anyone interested in family vouchers for families between the ages of 3 and 16 and families under ISEE, 000 30,000.00, can submit a link on the website of the Kruglyasco Municipality on the requirements and application: https: // www.

Requests can be submitted by September 30.

Canteen Payment Form

Attachment document format

Download Tamil

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