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Anyone with a Generation 11 iPhone and experiencing unsatisfactory battery life can benefit from the update to iOS 14.5. It reviews the battery and advises replacing it if in doubt.
The Update to iOS 14.5 The 2019 model year represents an issue on iPhones. Who a IPhone 11, 11 Pro or 11 Pro Max The user who drains the battery very quickly is now getting help. Because in the new version of the operating system, Apple introduces a new calibration procedure for the integrated battery. This should fix issues or suggest that the user replace the battery for free if the reconfiguration fails. The manufacturer released Wednesday Support-Document.
Calibration may take several weeks
With the reset, which should automatically happen over several weeks of normal charging cycles, Apple wants to bring back to reality the fact that it primarily reports battery status. Because it is “inaccurate” for some users.
The problem, according to Apple, is a purely visual issue, but the manufacturer also confirms that the symptoms of this error can cause the battery to discharge “unexpectedly quickly”. Additionally, there may be a limit to the maximum performance of the “low number of cases”.
Error also affects implementation Throttle functionApple has installed when the battery is no longer at full capacity due to normal aging processes. This can be enabled due to incorrect battery reporting, although there are no prerequisites for that.
Left: Calibration running / Right: Calibration failed. (Screen shots: Apple / D3N)
The process runs in the background
First, users have not noticed anything about the restructuring since the update to iOS 14.5. However, if you look at the settings under Battery> Battery status, you will see a message indicating a reset again. If this eventually fails, Apple considers the battery to be really defective and offers the affected iPhone customer free replacement through an authorized Apple workshop.
The average user will not notice any change from the update. This does not increase the battery performance, but only ensures that the normal level provided by the manufacturer is restored – where needed.

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