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Unionists download England's Kovid-19 tracing app despite Holyrood

Unionists download England’s Kovid-19 tracing app despite Holyrood

When Scotland’s Test and Protect proximity tracing app was released a few weeks ago, union politicians lined up to put political point-scoring aside and promote new tech.

The Scottish Tories, Labor and Libdem were united in sharing information about the software, explaining that it could be set up quickly and easily.

If you are in touch with another app user who is testing positive for coronavirus and can help you determine missing contacts, the app that has now been downloaded more than a million times will alert you.

Read more: Coronavirus Scotland app launched: What is it and how does it work?

If you test positive while keeping your information private and anonymous it will do the same for others.

But all of this is not enough for the most lofty ones in the Twitter unions.

After a delay of a few months, the UK government has now launched a contact-tracing app for England and Wales, which will pretty much do the job.

So instead of downloading the Scottish app and getting to know more about the virus for the Scottish Test and Protect service – the Unionists boast that they are logging into the English version instead, forging false postcodes in the process.

One user complained that they had to download two apps due to travel. Another replied: “We are all paying for counterfeiting that could harm Parliament.

“If they have another Indirf damage, I suggest we close Holyrood and go back the same way.”

Is stable! Did you have to spend an extra two minutes to download the app to protect those around you on cross border public transport? The closing of the Scottish Parliament is clearly the logical solution to this.

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Other users have posted that they tried to download the English app but it does not accept their Scottish post code. They were advised by another account to supply fake English – which could damage the data in the app.

Remember: Whether you are a Unionist or an Independence supporter, you can download the Test and Protect app from to help keep your fellow Scots safe.