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Two-fifths do not use Covit-19 - Watford Observer poll

Two-fifths do not use Covit-19 – Watford Observer poll

Two-fifths of respondents to a survey Watford Observer The mobile phone application designed to prevent the spread of the Corona virus has not yet been downloaded.

In a Twitter poll, only 58.4 percent of the 332 respondents said they had downloaded the NHS Covit-19 app – a key part of the government’s testing and tracking program – a month after it was launched.

This is less than the 66.2 percent who said they downloaded the app A referendum Carried out by Watford Observer Earlier this month.

Commenting on the new poll, readers continued to raise concerns about the compatibility of the app with their devices. Twitter user Lindhurst posted: “Does not work on iOS 12.”

Compatibility with handsets was a very common complaint in the early polls, with some readers pointing out that they did not have smartphones.

Balescrity3 commented: “No, no. Do not trust the Tito Cerco app with my data. Continue to log in locally and act responsibly. ”

Launched on September 24th, the NHS Covit-19 application works by alerting users if they are in the presence of someone who has tested positive for the corona virus, and prompting them to isolate themselves.

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Modeling by a team at the University of Oxford earlier this year suggested that about 60 percent of the population should use a contact tracking app to prevent the spread of the disease.

But the success of the application depends on the communication. For the week ended October 14, only 59.6 per cent of close contacts of those tested positive for Covit-19 in the UK were reached by test and trace – down from 62.6 per cent in the previous week.

According to the government’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Emergencies, the system should be found to be effective in at least 80 percent of those in close contact with anyone affected by Govt-19.

The Department of Health and Social Security reports that nine out of ten handsets use the Covit-19 application. For those who are unable to use the application, counseling is available via the NHS 119 and telephone-based contact tracking system.

It added that it has worked closely with the Office of the Information Commissioner and the National Data Protector at all stages of development to ensure that the quality of applications surrounding user privacy and security is met.

Following reports of ‘ghost notifications’, the app has been updated to ensure that users who receive exposure notifications are not required to take any action.

A spokesman for the Department of Health and Social Security said: “The NHS Covit-19 application is a key component in reducing transaction rates, and with over 18 million downloads to date, it helps keep our communities and loved ones safe. We want as many people as possible to download the app – the more people have their share, the more effective it will be.

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“NHS Covid-19 utility users should be isolated only if they receive a notification directly from the app, and we have worked hard at all stages of development to ensure that the utility instructed to do so meets their strict standards surrounding user privacy and security. ”

The second Watford Observer Twitter poll was conducted on October 22 and 23.