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Twenty years of monitoring pollutants, what is the state of the ocean?

Twenty years of monitoring pollutants, what is the state of the ocean?

Pickup Plastic, Metals, chemical contaminants,
Iframer (French Research Institute for Marine Exploitation), supported by the Water Institute, has completed a lengthy study to monitor
Pollutants One more

An average of about 100 survey points are established on the beach every three years. At the bottom sediment sample, fishing, fishing with plastic microphones, the researchers found about 65 contaminants. The length of this study was aimed at assessing the progress of pollutants and providing a promising result. Chemical pollution of the Mediterranean is “stable”, note the authors of the study. “Globally, the Mediterranean is in a good chemical state,” said biologist Mark Pooch.

90% of survey points have pollution rates below regulatory limits. However, there are a few black dots on the board. A product that has been banned since 1987 is PCB stability, pollution from old industrial sites and metropolitan areas and the arrival of new products, especially in pharmaceutical residues. Results to be found from this study In our video.

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