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Truck Simulator 2 Govt-19 - Nerd 4. Life is not drawn into any wax controversy over vaccines

Truck Simulator 2 Govt-19 – Nerd 4. Life is not drawn into any wax controversy over vaccines

Truck Simulator 2 Considering the theme of the game, he found himself in a strange way, planned in the middle There is no controversy and wax among the supporters In connection with me Vaccines for Govt-19, The developers have caused great confusion with the official communications in a bizarre attempt to prove themselves to be bipartisan.

It all started out interesting Event Holiday Hope American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2 are in the process of being simulated and focused on rebuilding the challenges faced by motorists Distribute vaccines Worldwide against Govt-19.

Interesting and commendable initiative, except that apparently the SCS software team interacted with it in a different way: “We did not take any position We would like to express our appreciation and support to all real transporters who are facing the most serious challenges since the onset of the epidemic, not for or against vaccines. “

Support for transporters is flawless, at the same time Support comment or not For vaccines. In an official press release, such a sentence sounds almost like one Contempt was given to any wax position Especially not exactly positive in a period like this.

Really swear Neutral In this case, the SCS software was found Connivente With antivirals, we do not want to take a clear stand against this movement.

Another report, handed over to Twitter, was later released, talking about “translation errors” Clarified The situation is a little better, while continuing to show the team’s willingness not to express itself in this matter: “Whatever your position, whether for or against the vaccines, the Hawley are working very hard, we wanted to highlight that this event is about this”, and “against Govt-19 We continue to support the struggle and hope that the issue will be resolved soon. “

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It seems then SCS software Sent further communications to various sites with further clarification of the controversy that arose after the communications. “We wanted to make it clear that we fully recognize the threats posed by Govt-19 and the impact it has had on the epidemic world. Belief in science And required Follow the guidelines Established with personal hygiene and safety practices for this situation ”.

In short, it seems that SCS software really has no wax levels, but it doesn’t seem to resist any adversity antivaccinisti, Consider that we have a different user site when it comes to these levels.
