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Trick and Treat Halloween Event Announced for Pokemon Unit • Nintendo Connect

Trick and Treat Halloween Event Announced for Pokemon Unit • Nintendo Connect

You can face your opponents from October 20 to November 11, 2021 Pokemon Unite Give a treat at the Halloween event and take home sweet rewards for it.

Pokemon Unite You can download it for free with Nintendo Switch or iOS or Android for your mobile device! The Halloween event has a variety of contents: The map on which the game is played must be optically modified for Halloween by creating a dark environment with pumpkins. There were also new Hollowware costumes Lucario, Jirara, Catomy, Chlorac And Knuddeluff Shown.

Pokemon Unite
Pokemon Unite

Pokemon Unite
Pokemon Unite

In a new Halloween mode, enemies can be turned into pumpkins and then defeated. In addition, there are many new accessories such as a pumpkin head, a witch hat or a pumpkin bag that can be attached to your own character. Innovative Pokemon Unite: Schlarafel This is a normal type of Pokemon and is from the eighth generation of the game. This is the final stage of development Raphael. Schrafel Used first Pokemon Unite Should be made available. Pokemon have a variety of attacks that can be used against enemies.

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