WhatsApp has announced on its official blog that it will introduce functions for iOS to help change history from Android to Android. WhatsApp has been actively working with operating system and device manufacturers on a transfer solution that enables the transfer of chat histories when you transfer mobile phones and operating systems securely and reliably. Hard work is worth it because you can now transfer your WhatsApp history from iOS to Android devices. Your messages – including photos, videos and voice messages – will not be sent to WhatsApp. If your data is not deleted or not on WhatsApp it will be on your old device. The new functionality will initially be available only on Android 10 and newer Samsung phones, but will soon be available on other Android devices as well. When setting up a new cell phone, you have the option to safely transfer your old chats to your current smartphone. However, this requires a USB-C first lightening cable. Additional information on this update can be found in the official post WhatsApp Blog.
So you can transfer WhatsApp history from iOS to Android devices
When you switch from an iPhone to a Samsung Android device, you can change your account information, profile picture, personal and group chats, chat history, media and settings. Your call history or display name cannot be changed.
Phone New phone, same memories.
Changing your phone will no longer lose your chat history. Starting today, you can move your WhatsApp history from iOS to Samsung. Coming soon on all devices. pic.twitter.com/v9WwV3YDJf
– WhatsApp (WhatsApp) September 2, 2021
What do I need?
- The Samsung SmartSwitch App You must have version or higher installed on your device.
- Your old device requires iOS version or higher WhatsApp.
- WhatsApp for Android version or higher must be installed on your new device.
- You need a USB-C first lightning cable or a suitable adapter.
- You must use the same phone number on the new device as on the old device.
- Your new Android device must be brand new or have a factory reset.
Move from iPhone to Samsung device
- Turn on your Samsung device. When asked, connect to your iPhone using the cable.
- Follow the instructions in Samsung SmartSwitch App.
- When prompted, use your iPhone camera to scan the QR code on the new device.
- Tap Start on your iPhone and wait for the process to finish.
- Continue to set up your new Samsung phone.
- When you see the home screen, open WhatsApp and sign in with the same phone number you used on your old device.
- When prompted, tap Import and wait for the process to finish.
- After you finish activating your new device, you can view your chats.
What happens to my data?
Your data is transmitted locally via a cable, which means:
- Due to migration, the changed data will not be moved to the cloud storage and WhatsApp will not be able to see the data you have transferred.
What messages can I change on my new phone?
- You can change: Personal Messages
- You can not change: peer-to-peer payment messages
Can I change my call log?
- You cannot transfer your WhatsApp call history from iPhone to Samsung device.
Download -> Download WhatsApp Messenger and Samsung Smart Switch
Download the latest version of WhatsApp and Samsung Smart Switch from the App Store:
For more information on how to try out the new feature, see Share.
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Via WhatsApp Blog
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