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To escape leaving trash near some houses: Hunt the rope truck

To escape leaving trash near some houses: Hunt the rope truck

Dump the rubbish near some houses in Rondisone and run: chase the tow truck. Report to Mayor Antonio Magnon by private individuals.

Run by dumping garbage near some houses

Last Sunday night at 9pm, a couple from Rondison heard a vehicle approaching their yard. And then it stops. So they went out without knowing that they were visiting themselves or their neighbors. But what they saw was that they were speechless and unbelievable in the face of that rude act that could not justify anyone in any way. In fact, it should be punished considering the risk associated with it.
“We were sweeping the yard, we had the lights on, so it was clear we were at home – the woman says – we put out the trash cans (according to the calendar) and five minutes later we heard a van stop in front of the house. We leaned on the street, a vehicle, a foreign license. The gray-green truck with the plate disappeared at full speed after leaving behind bags of various trash, including a bottle of beer and dirty glasses.
My next door neighbor who was outside the yard also saw this. We immediately notified the mayor that it would be appropriate to report to the Chetta SPA, which is responsible for collection in our areas.

Coward fear

«It was 9pm – he continues – so it was still light, so everything happened in the sunlight, so to speak, without problems. Crazy. We hope it never happens again. Since touching other people’s trash is not yet pleasurable in a situation like this, it is absurd to arm yourself with gloves and a mask to separate the trash to avoid getting fined. Covit 19 “.
In short, a deceptive waste has decided not to dump it on some kind of pitch or in the countryside, but everything that happened through Massini and Batisti should be left near the houses in the center.

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