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This weekend at GAMERGEN.COM: 5 minutes of the next Jurassic World and an update on Rainbow Six Siege and the Nintendo eShop

This weekend at GAMERGEN.COM: 5 minutes of the next Jurassic World and the announcement of the Rainbow Six Siege and Nintendo eShop

This weekend at GAMERGEN.COM is a daily column that allows you to review important news from the past 48 hours. What happened this Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th November 2021?

As fans wait, Universal Images Shared The first 5 minutes of the film Jurassic World: The Next World. In addition, theHigh caliber function From Siege of the rainbow river Dated and treated to an attractive trailer, And saw what was new Of the week Nintendo eShop.

Rainbow Six Siege Operation High Caliber Key Art Pin Asteroids Recharged 26 11 2021 Screenshot 6

In the remaining news, a release date Asteroids: Recharged Reported, The hero of the next game Bokeh Game Studio Has been published, High Dimensional Neptuneia: Sisters vs. Sisters Posted by a video and some pictures, தி We Are Can improve well-being Patients during surgery And skills Will come From Granblue Fantasy Versus As stated in detail.

Finally, be aware of multiple products Oculus Quest Prices fall for a while.

Editor VignetMartial DUCHEMIN
Editor-in-Chief – Japan Expert
Living in Japan, he has three interests in life: video games, statues and food. Walking around Akiba, loves retrokaming and arcades. My life is dedicated to the dragon ball.
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