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The whole Super Nintendo global attraction in the video

The whole Super Nintendo global attraction in the video

Visiting Universal Studios Japan and its super Nintendo world is the dream of amusement parks and many Nintendo fans. As the park waits to open its Nintendo Zone and make an international trip to Japan possible again, a video provides a good overview of what the star attraction of this meeting between Universal and Nintendo will offer.

Read more: Super Nintendo World: The park’s official website opens, with information and photos

At the time of writing these lines, Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Osaka must have been open for several days (or several months if you look at the initially planned start date). But the state of emergency in Osaka again thwarted Universal’s plans. While waiting to announce a new launch date, Universal Studios Japan has allowed some lucky visitors to discover its Nintendo Zone.

Among these lucky ones is the YouTube channel Universal Parks News today. A latter manager was able to visit the Super Nintendo world earlier this month and film the entire experience. Mario Kart: Cuba’s challenge. Video allows you to watch everything: sequence detail, videos explaining how gravity works (hence its “game”), increasing the setting of reality screens (in 4K) or “the course of the race” (with changes of its rounds).

Lack of thrush …

Keep in mind that this is an attraction for the general public and despite its generally expected arena status at Universal Studios, Nintendo and Universal, it is not considered unfit to do so. Talk about their characters in explanatory videos. So those who come to the world of Super Nintendo, like players, will be satisfied with the visual signs.

In terms of gravity, a video is the best way to understand what an obviously sunken and magnified reality mirror brings in terms of contact, or feel better. Feelings of speed provided by eating. The video above, however, gives an idea of ​​what gravity offers. Looking at the current environment and the distance that separates European Nintendo fans from the park, this is nothing.

Believe Universal Parks News Today, Nintendo and Universal have pulled this off. Mario Kart: The YouTube channel actually says that Cuba’s challenge is “amazing”. For now, we need to take her word for it.

After watching the video below, what were your first posts about the Mario Kart ride? Are you planning to visit Universal Studios Japan one day? Tell us all in the comments below.