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The Variety Show in Hanover is now streaming online cooking courses: Day Tickets

The Variety Show in Hanover is now streaming online cooking courses: Day Tickets

The second lock hits GOP-Varieté in Hanover in high season, with online showCoachbox LiveClosed Theater wants to maintain contact with the audience.

“We want to give a behind-the-scenes look and have a little fun with our guests,” said Holger Melchert, director of the kitchen. The 50-year-old moderates a three-hour cooking show from Variety in Hanover, while his colleague Jurgen Wawzernets (35) is in the oven.

Every Saturday, twelve parties, each with two people, can cook three course menus and exchange ideas with experts through the zoom. Participants purchase a cooking box with ingredients and drinks in advance. You can take them to the theater or send them to you. According to Melchirt, dates up to mid-February have already been fully booked.

“Coachbox Live” is not a way out of financial distress. “We’m not going to get rich with it. But we can show: we’m not going, we’re getting ready for new shows,” Melchart said.

Many restaurants are finding innovation with recommended closures: increasingly, they not only serve pet food, but also cook boxes with ingredients (daily menu report). Another comment was made by RV. Guests can take their camper to the restaurant parking lot and eat there (daily menu reported). (dpa)

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