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Cyberpunk 2077: How Johnny Silverhound was before Keanu Reeves

Cyberpunk 2077: How Johnny Silverhound was before Keanu Reeves

In the recently released films, we see what Jeanne Silverhound Cyberpunk would have looked like if it hadn’t been played by Keanu Reeves in 2077.

Some time ago We reported itCyberpunk 2077 expects to return to no mans sky style. This information is based on what has been said Reports by anonymous developer Sports. At the time, the unnamed person said the original Johnny – before Keanu Reeves was brought aboard – was way cold and sounded like a madman.

Because now we also know how the former Johnny would have been Leah Leonovich, C.D. Project Red’s leading concept artist has released a few pictures.

Pictures here:

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