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The trick is to read WhatsApp messages without the blue check appearing

The trick is to read WhatsApp messages without the blue check appearing

Rather than a messaging site, WhatsApp sometimes looks like a spy movie. Every movement can fool you, you are noticed everywhere, your every move is detected, everyone knows when you left, when you entered, and everyone knows if you read a message or not. In short: Anxiety.

However, there is a special trick you may not be aware of that can help you become invisible and get rid of the many prying eyes that expand your chats.

This trick involves using a custom widget on your phone that does not force you to download or pay for new apps. Here’s how it works:

Entrepreneur working on the phone

Shannon FoganGetty Images


Turn on the home screen of your phone and swipe right until you are on the blank page. It is usually created by moving only one page to the right, which is of no use.

Then press and hold the background and you will see the screen shrink. Categories like “Wallpaper”, “Widgets”, “Transitions” and “Home screen settings” appear below. Click “Widgets” and scroll through the options it shows you until you find “WhatsApp” (4×2).

The WhatsApp widget will be a folder that occupies half of your phone’s wallpaper (but you can fix it) and previews of the messages they send you will appear. This way you can easily read without anyone knowing and without ticks to indicate what you are doing.

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