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The outside worlds are getting a visual update on the Nintendo Switch this week

The outside worlds are getting a visual update on the Nintendo Switch this week

The Nintendo Switch version of The Outer Worlds gets a new patch this week, which includes updating the game’s views with sales.

In Nintendo Switch version External worlds Gets a visual update with a new link to be released this week. External worlds Initially released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC last year, but got on the switch this June. The game is scheduled to be released on Steam later this month, one year after its initial release, exclusively available on the Epic Games Store and PC Store on PC.

Developer Absidian Entertainment was also launched Danger in Gorgon, The first DLC of the three major contents for The Outer World, the PS4, Xbox One and PC versions of the game last September. Danger in Gorgon Added a new questline to the game and many new locations, a dozen new weapons and armor pieces, a high-level cap, new skills and perks and more. The DLC for the Nintendo Switch is expected to be released eventually, but no announcement has been made on the release date yet.

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Officer External worlds The Twitter account announced that the new patch would be available on October 21st, and shared a picture showing some of the visual changes introduced in the switch version of the patch game. The film, which looks like a Spot the Difference game, adds clouds to the game’s scenes, showing more enhancements and some improvements, including better shade and lighting effects. Additional improvements to gameplay scenes not seen in the shared image may also be included in the patch.

It is unclear whether the upcoming patch will include other updates for the game beyond improving its visuals, but additional information will be available soon. The follow-up tweet also mentioned that more details about the Nintendo Switch patch will be released soon, probably before the patch is released on the 21st. That too was announced External worlds The patch will go on sale on October 22, one day after the launch.

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Release Issue between Nintendo Switch Edition External worlds And other sites give switch owners a preview of what they expect to come into the game, showing that upcoming visual link developers are working and, often or exclusively technical, plan switch-specific updates. Updates rather than new content. We hope Apsidian Entertainment can release the next iteration of the game, External worlds2, Which is already said to be in pre-production on all products simultaneously.

Next: How to launch a new risk in Gorgon DLC in the outside world

External worlds Available on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.

Source: External worlds / Twitter

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