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Warner Bros. worries Death Combat 11 won't be "Nintendo-friendly"

Warner Bros. worries Death Combat 11 won’t be “Nintendo-friendly”

Release Death Combat11 The switch marks the long-awaited series of intense violence against Nintendo hardware.

Surprisingly, there was Some Reluctance to bring the game to Nintendo’s new platform before release. Earlier this year Big Digital 2020, Scott Hawkins of the United States revealed how concerned Nintendo and Warner Bros. elites are, not enough “Nintendo-friendly” to release on the latest entry hybrid platform.

All courtesy of Nintendo: Full transcript here:

“When Warner Bros. first developed the Mortal Combat 11 and ran it on the Nintendo Switch, I flew downstairs and met with the team in Southern California. One of the executives there met me and showed me the game. Are you sure? ‘ I said, ‘Yeah, we absolutely love this game.’

“He was worried, because it’s a mature rated title, it’s not Nintendo friendly.

As highlighted by Hawkins, the Eleventh entry was well received when it finally arrived in Switzerland – once again proving the presence of visitors to this type of content on Nintendo hardware.

When the Mortal Combat series first launched, Nintendo was known for censoring games due to its own family-friendly policies and the lack of a video game age rating system at the time.

Did you show your support for Death Combat 11 in Switzerland? Do you think developers and publishers should have any worries when releasing violent games on Nintendo devices these days? Tell us below.