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The old site is still available on all PSP, PS Vita and PS3 games -

The old site is still available on all PSP, PS Vita and PS3 games –

Whenever a big news item arrives on a site or service, there is always someone who will inevitably want the old version to be new. The update does not have all the features of the old version. That is why many people are not happy PlayStation Store They looked for a way to see if the old layout was still available. One user finally wins and gains access – in a completely legal way – Old site PlayStation Outlet. This way he was able to access all the games again BSP, BS Vita and PS3, News for PlayStation 4 and PS5.

To do this he used a Mozilla Firefox plugin called ‘.Valkyrie P.S.‘. Thanks to this plugin he was able to access the fully functional version of the old PlayStation Store homepage. From there you can buy BSP, PS Vita and PS3 games directly from Sony. Things that need to disappear quickly from the network and Sony have decided to protect for a long time.

Sony has not completely removed the old site, but it is possible because it is “hidden”. Use of services Webback engine And, which allows users to retrieve Chris Glass sites and run them on both Firefox and Google Chrome. He explains how in the following Twitter thread:

Will you take advantage of this opportunity?

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